

Karnot (opens in a new tab) is the leading RaaS (rollup-as-a-service) provider for Madara chains. While the Madara stack is 100% open source, running a Madara chain in production has multiple moving parts - production-grade infrastructure, autoscaling, failovers, DDoS protection and the list goes on! Handling all these challenges needs a team in itself. All this can distract an app chain from its core offering and product differentiation. That's what Karnot aims to solve.

Karnot sets up your Madara chain almost instantly. As a part of their offering, they manage your

  1. Validator and full nodes
  2. Bridges
  3. Faucets (for testnets)
  4. Explorers
  5. 24/7 monitoring and support
  6. Additional infra requirements specific to your chain

What sets Karnot apart from other providers is that they are also one of the core maintainers of the Madara stack itself. They understand the ins and outs of Madara perfectly and can provide highly efficient and tailored solutions to their customers. Moreover, the Karnot team has been in the Starknet ecosystem since the very early stages and has a history of working at top web2/web3 companies where they've handled infrastructure at a massive scale.